Friday, October 1, 2010

Module 6

This module has been all about and glogster which I think are really interesting online tools. Both of these would be easily utilised in the classroom. Firstly allows you to brainstorm and create mindmaps which you then have the option to print out or share with others who have an account. You can also save your work for future reference. I found this relatively easy to use and think that students would really enjoy this tool. There are endless ways that this could be used in the classroom as brainstorming and mindmapping are tasks that can relate to many key learning areas. For example, students could do individual brainstorming and mindmapping as an introduction to a new topic in Maths or HSIE or Science allowing the teacher to see their prior knowledge. It could also be used as a whole class or group activity at the beginning of a unit of work.
Glogster is also a great tool and really allows the user to be as creative as they wish. A glog is really an online poster or webpage which can contain graphics, text, pictures, video or audio. This online poster can then be put into a wiki, blog or website. I think glogs could be used in the classroom as a way for students to present or publish work or students could use glogs to present research or assignments. I think that students would love to use this tool and I really like the creativity that it involves as students can really poroduce something that is individual and unique.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Catherine,
    You are really racing ahead with your blog!!
    I agree with your thoughts about Glogster! Just imagine what the students could come up with and how much they would enjoy reading each others!
