Saturday, August 21, 2010

Module 3

Module 3 has ben all about Google docs. I have found this module to be interesting as I can see that it could be very useful for both students and teachers. Basically google docs is a web based word processor, presentation and spreadsheet application which enables you to create and edit documents, presentations and spreadsheets. This is done collaboratively online and allows you to share documents with other users in a more effective way than sending email attachments to various people. It's main attractions are that it is easily acessible from any location and allows people to work together on the one document.
I think Google docs could be very useful with students, particularly those in middle to upper primary and even more so for high school students. The main benefits for students when working with google docs is that  a group of students can all be learning or working together from different locations. Students can also obtain opinions from others and have their work edited by their peers, each working from their own computer. It also makes it easier for students working together on assignments or other group tasks as they can work collaboratively without having to physically be together. Teachers can also see which students are actually contributing to tasks and they can also edit student's work through google docs. Other ways of using google docs. would be for posting homework for students and also a way for students to publish work for peers or parents. This also raises their level of work as it is going to a bigger audience. Google docs would also be useful for staff as they also could work collaboratively on a document such as a program, policy document  or liturgy without having to meet together.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Module 2

In this module I have discovered blogs and how they can be used. I was surprised to find out that it wasn't really too difficult to create my own blog. Having to add to the blog throughout the course will really help me to become more confident and more familiar with this Web 2.0 tool. A blog is basically like an online journal and as such I can see that they could be very relevant for students. They provide another way for children to communicate and share their ideas, as well as giving them the opportunity to practise writing skills. Also by posting comments on each others blogs they are also learning how to reflect and provide feedback appropriately to others. Teachers could also use blogs for posting topics for classroom discussions as it would be a good way for all students to have their say in a non-threatening way, especially for those students who may be reluctant to share their thoughts in the classroom.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Module 1

It's Tuesday 3rd August and I'm just writing my first blog - pretty exciting for a teacher who's never used blogs before!!! I've just completed Module 1 of the Web 2.0 course and really enjoyed finding out about Web 2.0, as well as setting up and customising my own igoogle account. Watching the videos in Module 1 helped to clarify what Web 2.0 is all about and really made me think about how useful the internet can be.  It also made me think about how much our students probably already know and can do with the internet and it's various tools and the importance of being able to incorporate and use some of these in the classroom to enhance their learning.